Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tech Support

  Why do all tech support people think they know everything?  I had to go to my cell phone provider this morning.  My cell phone lost it's Internet connection.  The associate at the store tried different things with the phone.  He rebooted it and tried changing the settings.  None of that worked so he finally called tech support. She told him to do a bunch of different operations with the phone.  They even changed out the SIM card.  Still no luck.  The tech support lady decided it was a problem with Internet coverage in our area.  She said she put in a work order specifically for my phone and someone would get back to me in 3-5 business days.  With today being Thursday, the earliest someone would get back to me would be next Tuesday.  That's if the figured out the problem.  While the sales associate was talking with tech support, he checked his Blackberry.  He had Internet.  The other employee with the iPhone had coverage too, along with another customer in the store.  He told the tech lady this and she argued that she didn't really think it was the phone, but if I wanted her to send me a replacement she would.  I told her yes because I really couldn't see any other reason for mine being the only phone in the whole store not having Internet coverage. It will be delivered at 3 'o clock tomorrow.  I just hate when people think that they are never wrong.

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